Customer testimonials

Jonas and Manuela Jonas and Manuela wrote on January 10, 2012 at 11:33
Dear Pascal,
You wrote to us that Sophie already really belongs in your life, and we were very touched by this sentence. We are incredibly happy that Sophie can be with you so often and that does her so much good. I can only repeat that you are the kindest, best and dearest dog lover on this side of the Pacific 🙂 Sophie stayed with you for 3 weeks during our vacation. It's actually a bit of a headache, but not with you. We always knew that Sophie couldn't get any better. The joy of seeing her again confirms this. After these 3 weeks, Sophie is in great shape, calm, balanced, self-confident and happy. It's almost enough to make you jealous, but no, we don't have to be, because you're the one who understands dogs, not us (we just try :-)). And yes, Sophie is definitely in love with Aron :-). The great films on your homepage confirm what I said above, enjoy it.
Dear Pascal, thank you very much for everything and all the best to you during this time.
See you soon, Jonas & Manuela